API review
Proposer: Josh Faust
Present at review:
- List reviewers
- Eric
- Brian
- Rob
- Tully
- Conor
- Jeremy
Question / concerns / comments
For reviewers: Enter your thoughts on the API and any questions / concerns you have here. Please sign your name. Anything you want to address in the API review should be marked down here before the start of the meeting
- How are output handlers added? In particular, how does output get routed to rosout?
- How is verbosity level determined externally? Environment variables, cmdline args?
- Do we know which compilers don't support variadic macros?
- Could we provide an enablement scheme that is symbolic based on expression matching in addition or instead. Provides higher fidelity in targetting debug output, and avoid arbitrary thresholding decisions
Usage: ROS_DEBUG(MyPackage.Scoped.Name, foo.output().str() << ":" << this doubleValue << " Is not what is epxected");
Enabled by a configuration input such as MyPackage*
- An implementation of this kind of scheme could be pulled from EUROPA library code.
Also supports conditional debug output, when enabled: ROS_COND_DEBUG(!expectedSuccessValue, MyPackage.Scoped.Name, foo.output().str() << ":" << this doubleValue << " Is not what is epxected");
- Should make sure the cost when not enabling a debug message is neglible.
- I don't like the idea of exposing log4cxx:Level in the API for ROS_LOG
- Why is g_logger public if getLogger() is supported?
- Can ROS_INFO, ROS_DEBUG, etc... be implemented as calls to ROS_LOG?
- Does ROSCONSOLE_AUTOINIT work as implemented (naked call to initialize())?
Meeting agenda
Brief overview of log4cxx (http://logging.apache.org/log4cxx/index.html). Should answer:
- How are output handlers added? In particular, how does output get routed to rosout?
- Could we provide an enablement scheme that is symbolic based on expression matching in addition or instead. Provides higher fidelity in targetting debug output, and avoid arbitrary thresholding decisions
Usage: ROS_DEBUG(MyPackage.Scoped.Name, foo.output().str() << ":" << this doubleValue << " Is not what is epxected");
Enabled by a configuration input such as MyPackage*
- Should make sure the cost when not enabling a debug message is neglible.
- Rob: I don't like the idea of exposing log4cxx:Level in the API for ROS_LOG
- Why is g_logger public if getLogger() is supported?
- To avoid the function call (worth it?)
- Can ROS_INFO, ROS_DEBUG, etc... be implemented as calls to ROS_LOG?
- Yes
- Conditional output
- Yes, we can support this
- Does ROSCONSOLE_AUTOINIT work as implemented (naked call to initialize())?
- Yes
- Do we know which compilers don't support variadic macros?
- Do support: The GNU Compiler Collection, since 3.0, C++Builder 2006 and Visual Studio 2005 [1] support variable-argument macros, both when compiling C and C++ code (wikipedia)
- If we want to support gcc 2, it supports an alternate syntax
- Possibly pull assertions into this library?
- Use log4cxx calls directly to add appenders
- Don't wrap log4cxx calls; let the user (in many cases, ros::node) call them directly. Allows for easier interaction with other applications /
- libraries that use log4cxx.
- Design goal is to hide log4cxx from most users
- log4cxx allows hierarchical loggers, each with its own verbosity level
- Conor wants symbolic debug "levels," with efficient symbol matching to
- determine which ones are actually output.
- Support for "foo*" is needed, but "*foo" is probably not.
- Add ROS_WARN_NAMED() that takes a symbol name for the message.
- ROS_WARN() uses a default name of the package name itself.
- Add COND variations.
- Implement STREAM variations.
- Implement static enable-checking.
- Within ros::console, define enum of levels, which essentially typedef to
- log4cxx levels.
- To work well with 3rd-party packages that also use log4cxx, add our
- appenders to our own logger, rather than the root logger.
- Potentially provide a mechanism within ros::node to adding our
- appenders to somebody else's logger.
- Potentially provide a mechanism within ros::node to adding our
- appenders to our own logger, rather than the root logger.
- Pull assertions ROS_ASSERT and ROS_BREAK into rosconsole
- Eventually add new stuff like breaking within debugger.
Package status change (also mark change on PackageStatusDict page)
Action items that need to be taken.
Major issues that need to be resolved
Conditional pass.