
Scripting version of roslaunch:

l = [Node('test_ros', '') for n in xrange(0, 10)]
procs = [launch(x) for x in l]

Creating a topic based on a "YAML Bag"

This publishes to the /outlets topic.

poses = yaml_msgs(msg.pr2_plugs_msgs.OutletPose, findros('rosh', 'outlet_db.yaml'))
for p in poses:

Creating a service based on a "YAML Bag"

This creates the get_outlets service.

resp = srv.pr2_plugs_msgs.GetOutletsResponse()
resp.poses = bagy(findros('rosh', 'outlet_db.yaml'), msg.pr2_plugs_msgs.OutletPose).read()
service('get_outlets', srv.pr2_plugs_msgs.GetOutlets, lambda x: resp)

Wiki: rosh/Examples/Upcoming (last edited 2010-09-23 07:43:12 by KenConley)