API review
Proposer: Eric Berger
Present at review:
- Radu, Ken, Jeremy, Brian, Tully, Rob, Morgan
Question / concerns / comments
Enter your thoughts on the API and any questions / concerns you have here. Please sign your name. Anything you want to address in the API review should be marked down here before the start of the meeting.
Meeting agenda
To be filled out by proposer based on comments gathered during API review period
Eric's suggested API:
Here's my shot at a full rosinstall API. Very similar to what we went over in the ROS meeting. Let me know if anything in here looks wrong. SYNTAX === rosinstall [options] INSTALL_PATH [URI] [URI] argument is only optional together with --update option options: -u or --update (URI is optional only when using --update) -s setup_file or --setup=setup_file (uset setup_file to specify ROS environment) -o or --overlay (bake current ROS environment into setup.sh) -n or --nobuild BEHAVIOR: === Basic invocation: Finds config file at URI (web or file. rosconfig syntax, currently supporting only svn: entries) Writes value of URI into file .rosinstall_source_uri Checks out all components to $INSTALL_PATH from source control (currently just SVN) Figures out proper environment (ROS_ROOT, etc.) Creates setup.sh file in $INSTALL_PATH (see below for details on what goes here) Calls "make core_tools" in ros stack if ros stack was installed (not if ROS_ROOT was gotten from environment variables), unless -n or --nobuild is specified Prints out line about "source setup.sh to set up your environment, or set up to call it from your .bashrc if you want" Prints out advice about using rosmake to build any packages they want Update Doesn't change the setup.sh file (possibly verifies it? Not necessary in first version) with SVN, this will run basically the same logic (run checkouts in the same place, which will act as updates) Uses value of $INSTALL_PATH/.rosinstall_source_uri as config file (unless --config is specified, which over-rides and writes out .rosinstall_source_uri) Warns if URI is different from $INSTALL_PATH/.rosinstall_source_uri and asks for confirmation Warns if .rosinstall_source_uri doesn't exist and asks for confirmation / recommends fresh installation. Re-runs make in "ros" directory unless -n option is specified ROS stack determination and setup.sh === No options: If the config file includes a stack with local name "ros", then that is treated as the ROS_ROOT, and any ROS environment variables already set are ignored. setup.sh would include: set ROS_ROOT to $PATH/ros, set all other ROS variables explicitly so that this creates a full ROS environment If the config file does not include a stack with "ros", and -o or -s were not specified, then prompt user for what to use as ROS_ROOT. No stack named "ros" found in config file Would you like to infer ROS_ROOT from your existing ROS environment? [Y/N] y -> same as -o option Would you like to base your ROS environment on an existing setup file? [] -> same as -s option -s option: If the -s option is used, the file "setup_file" is assumed to be a file that if sourced will set up the ROS environment properly. Error if -s is specified but config includes ROS. setup.sh would depend on $setup_file to do the setup and include just: source $setup_file ROS_PACKAGE_PATH=$PATH/whatever:$ROS_PACKAGE_PATH If the -o option is used, make sure the environment defines a ROS_ROOT, ROS_PACKAGE_PATH PYTHONPATH, etc. Assume that those define the environment within which these package should be run should be run, but that setup.sh should do all the setup to make the environment look like this itself. Error if -o option is specified but config includes ROS setup.sh would include: Setting ROS_ROOT based on the value of $ROS_ROOT active when rosinstall was run Setting ROS_PACKAGE_PATH based on prepending the new directories to the $ROS_PACKAGE_PATH that already existed Making sure that $ROS_ROOT/bin is in the path, etc. ERRORS (partial list) === Error if -o and -s are both specified. Error to specify -o or -s together with -u Error to run rosinstall with no URI unless -u is specified (install doesn't ever use ,ris=
Package status change mark change manifest)
Action items that need to be taken.
Major issues that need to be resolved
Changes to be made to the API:
Replace interaction with printing likely next steps to screen