
This package contains a c++ generic template library to make geometrical transformations: compositions and inverse compositions between different kinds of geometric datatypes.


The tf package provides a good set of type transformations of different kinds of datastructures but it is strictly focused on poses: Pose, StampedPose, etc. The MRPT software provides as well many features for compositions and inverse compositions of different datatypes. This package try to unify all these transformations in a generic template library. Because of this, this package is absolutely open to accept new kinds of transformation software.

Example of Cpp code of composition MRPT:

CPose2D original, new_local_frame, result;

result= original - new_local_frame;

Composing not only poses

But not only poses can be composed. All data with geometrical and spetial information can be composed: a point cloud, a laser scan, etc. The packages laser_geometry or pcl_ros provides software to do these transformations but they are not given toghether.

Moreover, complex poses like not deterministic poses can be composed. Poses with uncertainty (see pose_cov_ops) or with dynamic information like speed or acceleration can be theoretically composed.

See the next example: consider a frame moving and while dynamic information is available (PoseWithTwist)a possible composition would be

(pcl::PointCloud<PointXYPhi>) - (PoseWithTwist) ->  (pcl::PointCloud<PointXYdXdYdPhi>)

For now there is no a convey about how to tackle this problem. Because of this the rtcus_compositios is needed. This package provide a cpp library with this functionality:

class StateComposer

  template<typename targetType, typename localStateFrame>
    static void compose(const targetType& src, const localStateFrame& delta_transform, targetType& dst);

  template<typename t_target, typename t_local_frame>
    static void inverse_compose(const t_target& initial_state, const t_local_frame& local_frame_state, t_target& dst,
                                const std::string& new_frame_name = ANONYMOUS_LOCAL_FRAME_NAME);


If the composition is available it would be detected at linking time.

This package is designed to be extensible and this use is recommendable to design generic type algorithms with geometrical transformations.


This package is still in development and it should be analyzed if the the goal of the package is similar to tf2. In such case the developed code will be converted to several tf2 plugins.

Wiki: rtcus_compositions (last edited 2012-06-25 16:28:58 by Pablo IƱigo Blasco)