Only released in EOL distros:
Package Summary
ROS driver package for the Otto Bock SensorHand Speed prosthetics device.
- Maintainer: Alexander Reiter <ros AT dualspace DOT at>, Johannes Mayr <joh.mayr AT jku DOT at>
- Author: Alexander Reiter <ros AT dualspace DOT at>
- License: MIT
- Source: git (branch: hydro-devel)
Driver package for an Otto Bock SensorHand Speed prosthetics device.
The hand_node establishes an RS232 connection with an Otto Bock SensorHand Speed prosthetics device and allows to issue gripping commands and receive feedback.
Launch Files
hand_launch.launch - Launches the driver node.
Test Connection to the Hand
After configuring the parameters in the launch file and connecting the hand device to the computer, the node can be tested by invoking
roslaunch sensorhand_speed hand_launch.launch
Now gripping commands can be issued by calling the node's service, e.g. for opening the hand with 50% of the maximum velocity and force
rosservice call /hand_node/hand_srv 2 0.5