Work in progress.
The tabletop_for_cabinet package is a part of the mit-ros-pkg repository. To download the most recent version of the stack without downloading the whole repository use
$ svn co `roslocate svn tabletop_for_cabinet`
The tabletop_for_cabinet package uses tabletop detection to find the cabinet door. It fits the plane of the table to the cabinet door.
It uses cluster detection to find all of the clusters in front of the tabletop and finds those clusters' bounding boxes.
It then selects the cluster most likely to be the handle based on the size of the bounding box and its relative location of the door. It chooses the bounding box which is most centered.
Tutorials can be found at tabletop_for_cabinet/Tutorials/tabletop_for_cabinet
The current selection of the handle bounding box needs to be refined. If possible, it should return multiple poses of all the possible handles (in case the first choice is not correct). The orientation of the handle should be a parameter