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Setting up for TidyupRobot.

Description: This tutorial describes how to setup software for Tidyup Robot.

Keywords: tidyup, rosinstall, rosws

Tutorial Level: ADVANCED

Next Tutorial: Building maps for TidyupRobot

Installing and building the software

Setup an overlay using the following rosinstall file: tidyup_robot.rosinstall

rosws init ~/tidyup_workspace /opt/ros/fuerte
source ~/tidyup_workspace/setup.bash
rosws merge http://alufr-ros-pkg.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/tidyup_robot/tidyup_robot.rosinstall
rosws update
source ~/tidyup_workspace/setup.bash
rosmake tidyup_executive
rosmake tidyup_tools

Creating a configuration package

Create a new configuration package for your environment and add it to the overlay:

rosrun tidyup_tools roscreate-tidyup-pkg tidyup_launch_tut
rosws set tidyup_launch_tut

There will be subdirectories for maps (maps/), configuration files (config/) and launch files (launch/). In the next tutorial, we will be building the maps.

Wiki: tidyup_robot/Tutorials/setup/Setting up for TidyupRobot (last edited 2012-11-21 13:58:04 by ChristianDornhege)