Netbook Battery Setup

Occasionally the netbook battery monitor will be looking in the wrong place for the netbook battery monitor information. If it's not working for you, delve into /proc/acpi/battery on your netbook and determine what batteries are listed there (usuallyl BAT0 or BAT1).


The instructions differ depending on whether you have a prepared usb derived release, from debs, or from source.

Live Usb Installation

Debs Installation

Source Installation

Live USB Installation

This is pending information/testing of the live usb release.

Deb Installation

The software currently uses environment variables to determine the hardware configuration. Export the following variables before you source setup.bash.

> export TURTLEBOT_BATTERY=/proc/acpi/battery/BAT1

Putting it in ~/.bashrc or appended to your own workspace's are good candidates for convenience.

Source Installation

The software currently uses environment variables to determine the hardware configuration. Export the following variables before you source setup.bash.

> echo "export TURTLEBOT_BATTERY=/proc/acpi/battery/BAT1" >> ~/turtlebot-rosbuild/
> source ~/turtlebot-rosbuild/setup.bash


You can see exactly how this is working in turtlebot_bringup/launch/minimal.launch.

Wiki: turtlebot/Tutorials/groovy/Netbook Battery Setup (last edited 2013-02-09 07:24:36 by DanielStonier)