
you can start a demo using stage_ros by executing:

roslaunch tuw_multi_robot_demo demo.launch

A room and also the number of robots can be specified e.g.

roslaunch tuw_multi_robot_demo demo.launch room:=cave nr_of_robots:=3 
roslaunch tuw_multi_robot_demo demo.launch room:=warehouse200 nr_of_robots:=200
roslaunch tuw_multi_robot_demo demo.launch room:=warehouse008 nr_of_robots:=8
roslaunch tuw_multi_robot_demo demo.launch room:=test01 nr_of_robots:=14

Goals can be send via RViz or by using the tuw_multi_robot_goal_generator

Create own enviroment

Wiki: tuw_multi_robot/Tutorials (last edited 2018-09-24 14:13:50 by Markus Bader)