/!\ work in progress

<scene_state> element

The state element describes the basic state of a corresponding URDF scene.

Here is an example of a scene state element:

   1  <scene_state scene="pr2_with_table" time_stamp="0.0">
   2    <entity_state model="prj">
   3      <parent frame="world"/>
   4      <origin xyz="0 0 0" rpy="0 0 0"/>
   5      <twist linear="0 0 0" angular="0 0 0"/> <!-- see documentation -->
   6    </entity_state>
   8    <entity_state model="table">
   9      <parent frame="world"/>
  10      <origin xyz="1 0 0" rpy="0 0 0"/>
  11      <twist linear="0 0 0" angular="0 0 0"/> <!-- see documentaiton -->
  12    </entity_state>
  13  </scene_state>

Scene State


  • scene (required) (string)

    • The name of the scene in corresponding scene.

  • time_stamp (required) (float) (sec)

    • Time stamp of this state in seconds.
  • <entity_state> (optional) (string)

    • model (required) (string)

      • The name of the model this state refers to.
    • <parent> (required) (string)

      • The name of the link or frame this state is defined in.
    • <origin> (optional: defaults to identity if not specified)

      • This is the pose of the entity, relative to the parent reference frame.
      • xyz (optional: defaults to zero vector)

        • Represents the

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      • rpy (optional: defaults to identity if not specified)

        • Represents the fixed axis roll, pitch and yaw angles in radians.
    • <twist> (optional: defaults to zeros if not specified)

      • This is the twist of the entity. The reference point of this twist is the origin of the entity. The reference frame of this twist is the parent frame.
      • linear (optional: defaults to zero vector)

        • Represents the linear velocities of the entity.
      • angular (optional: defaults to zeros if not specified)

        • Represents the instantaneous roll, pitch, yaw angular rates in radians defined in the parent frame.

Wiki: usdf/Reviews/scene_state (last edited 2012-07-10 18:16:14 by hsu)