Only released in EOL distros:
Package Summary
Video_player package to play/stream a video with "gscam".
- Maintainer: Thomas Keplinger <t.keplinger AT gmx DOT at>, Lukas Schwarz <lukas_schwarz AT gmx DOT at>
- Author: Thomas Keplinger <t.keplinger AT gmx DOT at>, Lukas Schwarz <lukas_schwarz AT gmx DOT at>
- License: BSD
- Source: git (branch: hydro-devel)
Use the following to install the gscam package (ubuntu 12.04).
Create a catkin workspace (see Catkin Tutorial)
Install wstool (if not already installed) (see wstool Tutorial)
- Install gscam package
sudo apt-get install ros-hydro-gscam
- Switch to catkin workspace into src folder
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
- Add gscam repositories
wstool init wstool set gscam --git wstool update
- Load additional packages for gstreamer
sudo apt-get install gstreamer-0.10 libgstreamer0.10-0 libgstreamer0.10-dev libgstreamer-plugins-base0.10-dev gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg gstreamer0.10-gconf gstreamer0.10-tools gstreamer0.10-x
Build catkin workspace (see Catkin Tutorial)
cd .. catkin_make
See the video_player node documentation.
This node has two main functions.
- It can play a video.avi-file with the VLC-Media-Player and closes automatically after playing back the file.
- It can publish the video-data to a topic, which the ROS environment can deal with. The modus can be changed in the launch file.
mode (string)- Describes in which way the node works (VLC-playback, ROS-stream). "mode_I" => VLC player, "mode_II" => ROS-stream. Default: "mode_II" = ROS-stream.
- Used for calling the gstreamer. Example: "filesrc location=~/catkin_ws/src/tools_robin/video_player/data/Video1/Video.avi ! avidemux name=demux demux.video_00 ! decodebin ! ffmpegcolorspace ! video/x-raw-rgb ! identity name=ros ! fakesin";
A simple node to test the video_player.
Launch Files
Use roslaunch files to load the video_player_node and the parameter mode.
video_player.launch - Launches the video_player_node.
Test Video Player
By calling
roscore roslaunch video_player video_player.launch rosrun video_player test_client ~/catkin_ws/src/tools_robin/video_player/data/Video1
one can test the video player.