Note: This tutorial assumes that you have completed the previous tutorials: Understanding Service Types.
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Publishing Services

Description: Illustrates how to use the zeroconf_jmdns api to publish services.

Keywords: zeroconf, jmdns

Tutorial Level: INTERMEDIATE

Next Tutorial: Service Discovery via Polling


Publishing is very straightforward. The following explicitly details each element required to publish a ros master.

   1 // imports
   2 import com.github.ros_java.zeroconf_jmdns_suite.jmdns.Zeroconf;
   3 import com.github.ros_java.zeroconf_jmdns_suite.jmdns.StandardLogger;
   5 // and in your code
   6 Zeroconf publisher = new Zeroconf(new StandardLogger());
   7 publisher.addService("DudeMaster", "_ros-master._tcp", "local", 8888, "Dude's test master");

For ros master services in particular, we could pull ros information directly from rosjava to fill out some of the above details - if you have an interest in getting this implemented contact <d DOT stonier AT gmail DOT com>.


Example code can be found in the jmdns tutorials.

Wiki: zeroconf_jmdns_suite/Tutorials/common/Publishing Services (last edited 2016-12-26 02:39:10 by DanielStonier)