
New in Groovy To launch reconfigure_gui in Groovy, run:

rosrun rqt_reconfigure rqt_reconfigure

You will be presented with an interface like this:

Node List

From here you can select any of the left hand nodes to reconfigure it:

Reconfiguring single node

You can select multiple nodes.

Reconfiguring multiple nodes

You can also launch the reconfigure_gui via rqt_gui:

rosrun rqt_gui rqt_gui



Generally speaking, try isolating GUI and non-GUI issue. dynamic_reconfigure's command line tools are helpful for doing that.

No parameter listed on GUI

(Related ticket)

Run the following command to make sure dynamic reconfigure parameters are returned:

rosrun dynamic_reconfigure dynparam list

If nothing returned then the issue is your dynamic_reconfigure itself, not rqt-reconfigure.

Internal design

Sequence diagrams

Some diagrams about key sequences. Click to magnify images.

Sequence; Node tree building and connecting each node once user chooses.

Node tree building and connecting each node once user chooses

Sequence; Filtering nodes tree by input text

Filtering nodes tree by input text

Sequence; Connecting nodes by multi thread

Wiki: rqt_reconfigure (last edited 2020-09-23 15:03:56 by RobertZickler)