
This package is no longer actively maintained. Please use another driver, such as libuvc_camera (github).


This package provides drivers for USB Video Class (UVC) cameras. This standard covers almost all consumer webcams. The source is on github

It works with the ROS image_pipeline like other streaming camera drivers. Its stereo node supports binocular streams, publishing synchronized image pairs from two cameras.

The drivers are implemented as nodes and as nodelets.


camera_node / CameraNodelet

UVC/USB camera driver.

Published Topics

image_raw (sensor_msgs/Image)
  • A stream of images from the camera.
camera_info (sensor_msgs/CameraInfo)
  • Camera intrinsics for images published on camera/image_raw with matching time stamps and frame IDs. If CameraInfo calibration is not available or is incompatible with the current video_mode, uncalibrated data will be provided instead.


set_camera_info (sensor_msgs/SetCameraInfo)
  • Set the camera's calibration.


~camera_info_url (string, default: ) ~device (string, default: /dev/video0)
  • Path to camera's device file
~fps (int, default: 10)
  • Frames per second to request from camera
~width (int, default: 640)
  • Width of image to request from camera
~height (int, default: 480)
  • Height of image to request from camera
~frame_id (string, default: frame)
  • TF frame representing position, orientation of camera

stereo_node / StereoNodelet

UVC/USB dual-camera driver.

Published Topics

left/image_raw (sensor_msgs/Image)
  • A stream of images from the left camera.
right/image_raw (sensor_msgs/Image)
  • A stream of images from the right camera.
left/camera_info (sensor_msgs/CameraInfo)
  • Camera intrinsics for images published on left/image_raw with matching time stamps and frame IDs. If CameraInfo calibration is not available or is incompatible with the current video_mode, uncalibrated data will be provided instead.
right/camera_info (sensor_msgs/CameraInfo)
  • Camera intrinsics for images published on right/image_raw with matching time stamps and frame IDs.


left/set_camera_info (sensor_msgs/SetCameraInfo)
  • Set the left camera's calibration.
right/set_camera_info (sensor_msgs/SetCameraInfo)
  • Set the right camera's calibration.


~left/camera_info_url (string, default: ) ~right/camera_info_url (string, default: )
  • URL to right camera's calibration file.
~left/device (string, default: /dev/video0)
  • Path to left camera's device file
~right/device (string, default: /dev/video1)
  • Path to right camera's device file
~fps (int, default: 10)
  • Frames per second to request from camera
~skip_frames (int, default: 0)
  • Number of frames to skip between each published frame
~left/rotate (bool, default: false)
  • Left image will be rotated 180 degrees if true.
~right/rotate (bool, default: false)
  • Right image will be rotated 180 degrees if true.
~width (int, default: 640)
  • Width of image to request from camera
~height (int, default: 480)
  • Height of image to request from camera
~frame_id (string, default: frame)
  • TF frame representing position, orientation of left camera

To Do


  • - Add support for runtime control of various camera settings.

Wiki: uvc_camera (last edited 2015-11-22 11:58:06 by LucasWalter)