ROS-Industrial Groovy

The page includes instructions for installing the ROS-Industrial Groovy stacks on a PC and various robot controllers.


All of the following ROS Industrial software must be installed on the ROS PC:

  1. ROS "Desktop Full" Install

    The instructions for installing ROS on Ubuntu can be found here.

  2. The following additional stacks may be required, depending on required functionality. See the install pages for installing each individual stack.

ROS-Industrial Stacks

The ROS-Industrial stacks enable communication with an industrial robot and various other industrial hardware. There are two options for installation: binary packages and build-from-source.

Binary Package Installation (Recommended)

Binary package installation is recommended for most users. This installation can be performed from the command line using apt-get.

  • All released stacks: apt-get install ros-groovy-industrial-desktop

  • Or by specific stack:
    • Industrial core: apt-get install ros-groovy-industrial-core

    • ABB stack: apt-get install ros-groovy-abb

    • Adept stack: apt-get install ros-groovy-adept

    • Fanuc stack: apt-get install ros-groovy-fanuc

    • Motoman stack: apt-get install ros-groovy-motoman

    • Universal robot stack: apt-get install ros-groovy-universal-robot

Source Installation (Recommended for Developers)

Installation from source is only recommended for those who want the latest (unstable) functionality or those who want to modify the ROS-Industrial packages.

Source Repository Layout

The ROS-Industrial repository is organized according to the ROS repository conventions:

/tags/                         (static code snapshots)
          .../<stack>-X.Y.Z    (versioned release.  Never changes)
          .../<ros_release>    (latest version for specified ROS release)

/branches/                     (dev. related to specific ROS releases)
      .../<ros_release>           - may include bugFixes
                                  - API should be stable

/trunk or devel                         (latest code, but possibly unstable API)


The source code repository can be found at the following URL(s):

Download source code

When installing from source, you must first decide which version to download:

  • Tags - provide a static code snapshot, without regular changes/updates

    • Select desired version under each stack

  • Branches - provide relatively stable code, tied to specific ROS releases

  • Trunk/Devel - latest development code, but possibly unstable API

    • not compatible with this code version

Compile ROS-Industrial Stacks

  1. Add the location of the downloaded files to the ROS_PACKAGE_PATH system variable for rosmake stacks and setup an appropriate

  2. Run "rosmake" or in each stack directory of interest (i.e. industrial_core). The source should build with no errors.

Robot Controller Install

In addition to ROS PC installs, there is configuration and software installation required on most robot robot controllers. See the vendor specific stack tutorials for more information:

  • Motoman tutorials - Installing on the DX100 and FS100 controller

  • ABB tutorials - Installing on the IRC5 controller

  • Fanuc tutorials - Installing on the R-30iA controller

  • UR tutorials (Coming Soon)
  • Kuka tutorials (Coming Soon)
  • Comau tutorials (Coming Soon)

Wiki: Industrial/Install/Groovy (last edited 2014-06-05 07:04:55 by GvdHoorn)