Try it

Before diving into nxt and ROS make sure that you can communicate with your brick by running a simple test.

Start a roscore in a new terminal:

  • roscore 

Then run one or both of the following tests in another terminal:

Touch sensor, plug the touch sensor into PORT1 and run the following code. It will display the current state of the touch sensor.

  • rosrun nxt_python 

Color sensor,plug the color sensor into PORT1 and run the following code. It will cycle the LED colors and display the intensity then the color detected.

  • rosrun nxt_python 

Your computer is not configured correctly or the brick is off if you see:

  • Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/u/mwise/external_repos/foote-ros-pkg/nxt/trunk/nxt_python/sensor_tests/", line 21, in <module>
        sock = nxt.locator.find_one_brick()
      File "/u/mwise/external_repos/foote-ros-pkg/nxt/trunk/nxt_python/src/nxt/", line 57, in find_one_brick
        raise BrickNotFoundError

Next step

Now check out our starter robots in nxt_robots.

Or, find tutorials and more documentation in nxt.

Wiki: Robots/NXT/PostInstall (last edited 2012-02-10 06:03:56 by MattChapman)