Launching a Gazebo simulation

First of all open a console and source the workspace:

  • source ./devel/setup.bash

To launch the simulation of the TIAGo Base, execute:

  • roslaunch pmb2_gazebo pmb2_gazebo.launch public_sim:=true

With the simulation of TIAGo Base we are providing several pre-defined worlds which stress different aspects of navigation systems. You can find a list of these here.

Now let's launch the TIAGo Base simulation in a large corridor as follows:

  • roslaunch pmb2_gazebo pmb2_gazebo.launch public_sim:=true world:=large_corridor

The simulated TIAGo Base can provide the laser scan and sonar readings as depicted below. pmb2_gazebo_rviz.png

Wiki: Robots/PMB-2/Tutorials/Installation/Testing_simulation_installation (last edited 2019-01-17 10:49:36 by SaiKishor)