Author: Alessandro Di Fava < >
Maintainer: Jordi Pages < >
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Planning in joint space
Description: How to reach a given joint space configuration using motion planning based on MoveIt!Keywords: Motion planning, joint states, forward kinematics
Tutorial Level: INTERMEDIATE
Next Tutorial: Planning in cartesian space
This tutorial shows how to use MoveIt! in order to bring the arm_left_torso or the arm_right_torso group of joints of TIAGo++ to a desired joint space configuration ensuring joint limit avoidance and self-collision avoidance. The example is given in C++.
First make sure that the tutorials are properly installed along with the TIAGo++ simulation, as shown in the Tutorials Installation Section.
First open two consoles and source the public simulation workspace as follows:
cd ~/tiago_dual_public_ws source ./devel/setup.bash
Launching the simulation
In the first console launch the following simulation
roslaunch tiago_dual_gazebo tiago_dual_gazebo.launch public_sim:=true end_effector_left:=pal-gripper end_effector_right:=pal-gripper
Gazebo will show up with TIAGo++ with a 6-axis force/torque sensor in each wrist and the parallel gripper.
Wait until TIAGo++ has tucked its arms. Then you may proceed with the next steps.
Launching the nodes
Now we are going to run an example that will bring TIAGo++ to the following joint space configuration of both the arms groups:
torso_joint: 0.15 arm_left_1_joint/arm_right_1_joint: 1.5 arm_left_2_joint/arm_right_2_joint: 0.58 arm_left_3_joint/arm_right_3_joint: 0.06 arm_left_4_joint/arm_right_4_joint: 1.0 arm_left_5_joint/arm_right_5_joint: -1.70 arm_left_6_joint/arm_right_6_joint: 0.0 arm_left_7_joint/arm_right_7_joint: 0.0
Note that if we try to set the above kinematic configuration moving individual joints we will end up probably in a self-collision. The node that will take care to find a plan, i.e. a sequence of movements, to reach such a kinematic configuration is plan_dual_arm_torso_fk included in tiago_dual_moveit_tutorial package and has to be called as follows for the left arm
rosrun tiago_dual_moveit_tutorial plan_dual_arm_torso_fk left 0.15 1.5 0.58 0.06 1.0 -1.70 0.0 0.0
and as follows for the right arm
rosrun tiago_dual_moveit_tutorial plan_dual_arm_torso_fk right 0.15 1.5 0.58 0.06 1.0 -1.70 0.0 0.0
An example of plan executed by the node for the left arm is depicted in the following sequence of images:
Inspecting the code
The code to implement such a node able to plan in joint space is shown below. Note that the key parts of the code are:
- Choose a group of joints
- Choose a planner
- Set initial and desired joint state
- Give time to find a plan
- Execute the plan if found Toggle line numbers
1 // ROS headers 2 #include <ros/ros.h> 3 4 // MoveIt! headers 5 #include <moveit/move_group_interface/move_group_interface.h> 6 7 // Std C++ headers 8 #include <string> 9 #include <vector> 10 #include <map> 11 12 int main(int argc, char** argv) 13 { 14 ros::init(argc, argv, "plan_dual_arm_torso_fk"); 15 16 if ( argc < 10 ) 17 { 18 ROS_INFO(" "); 19 ROS_INFO("\tUsage:"); 20 ROS_INFO(" "); 21 ROS_INFO("\trosrun tiago_moveit_tutorial plan_dual_arm_torso_fk [left|right] torso_lift arm_1 arm_2 arm_3 arm_4 arm_5 arm_6 arm_7"); 22 ROS_INFO(" "); 23 ROS_INFO("\twhere the list of arguments are the target values for the given joints"); 24 ROS_INFO(" "); 25 return EXIT_FAILURE; 26 } 27 28 std::string arm_name = argv[1]; 29 std::map<std::string, double> target_position; 30 31 target_position["torso_lift_joint"] = atof(argv[2]); 32 std::string target_joint = "arm_" + arm_name + "_1_joint"; 33 target_position[target_joint] = atof(argv[3]); 34 target_joint = "arm_" + arm_name + "_2_joint"; 35 target_position[target_joint] = atof(argv[4]); 36 target_joint = "arm_" + arm_name + "_3_joint"; 37 target_position[target_joint] = atof(argv[5]); 38 target_joint = "arm_" + arm_name + "_4_joint"; 39 target_position[target_joint] = atof(argv[6]); 40 target_joint = "arm_" + arm_name + "_5_joint"; 41 target_position[target_joint] = atof(argv[7]); 42 target_joint = "arm_" + arm_name + "_6_joint"; 43 target_position[target_joint] = atof(argv[8]); 44 target_joint = "arm_" + arm_name + "_7_joint"; 45 target_position[target_joint] = atof(argv[9]); 46 47 ros::NodeHandle nh; 48 ros::AsyncSpinner spinner(1); 49 spinner.start(); 50 51 std::vector<std::string> torso_arm_joint_names; 52 //select group of joints 53 std::string moveit_group = "arm_" + arm_name + "_torso"; 54 moveit::planning_interface::MoveGroupInterface group_arm_torso(moveit_group); 55 //choose your preferred planner 56 group_arm_torso.setPlannerId("SBLkConfigDefault"); 57 58 torso_arm_joint_names = group_arm_torso.getJoints(); 59 60 group_arm_torso.setStartStateToCurrentState(); 61 group_arm_torso.setMaxVelocityScalingFactor(1.0); 62 63 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < torso_arm_joint_names.size(); ++i) 64 if ( target_position.count(torso_arm_joint_names[i]) > 0 ) 65 { 66 ROS_INFO_STREAM("\t" << torso_arm_joint_names[i] << " goal position: " << target_position[torso_arm_joint_names[i]]); 67 group_arm_torso.setJointValueTarget(torso_arm_joint_names[i], target_position[torso_arm_joint_names[i]]); 68 } 69 70 moveit::planning_interface::MoveGroupInterface::Plan my_plan; 71 group_arm_torso.setPlanningTime(5.0); 72 bool success = bool(group_arm_torso.plan(my_plan)); 73 74 if ( !success ) 75 throw std::runtime_error("No plan found"); 76 77 ROS_INFO_STREAM("Plan found in " << my_plan.planning_time_ << " seconds"); 78 79 // Execute the plan 80 ros::Time start = ros::Time::now(); 81 82 moveit::planning_interface::MoveItErrorCode e = group_arm_torso.move(); 83 if (!bool(e)) 84 throw std::runtime_error("Error executing plan"); 85 86 ROS_INFO_STREAM("Motion duration: " << (ros::Time::now() - start).toSec()); 87 88 spinner.stop(); 89 90 return EXIT_SUCCESS; 91 }
Note that when a plan is found and is executed with the following line of code
82 moveit::planning_interface::MoveItErrorCode e = group_arm_torso.move();
The required control commands are sent to the arm and torso controllers through their Action interfaces:
/arm_left_controller/follow_joint_trajectory/goal /arm_right_controller/follow_joint_trajectory/goal /torso_controller/follow_joint_trajectory/goal
Note also the following line of code
53 std::string moveit_group = "arm_" + arm_name + "_torso";
Here we are selecting the group of arm and torso related to the correspondent left or right arm torso group. There is also the possibility to select the both_arms_torso group where you can control arm_right, arm_left and torso contemporaneously.