Volta Topics

The available topics in Volta are listed below.

ROS Topics in Volta

  • ROS Topic



    All transforms between different ROS frames exisitng in the system


    Topic contains detailed diagnostics information related to Volta power and battery status


    A flag to start detailed diagnostics in Volta


    Contains RPM data published by ROS controller


    Contains RPM data read by encoders


    Command topic to move the robot. This topic is directly echoed to the firmware. The commands are issued using the twist_mux package. Please modify the twist_mux package set up in the Volta_control package to issue vehicle commands.
    Note: It is recommended to not directly issue commands to this topic.


    Command topic for the navigation stack. This topic is configured as input to the twist_mux package


    Command topic for the joystick commands. This topic is configured as input to the twist_mux package


    Command topic for commands using keyboard commands. This topic is configured as input to the twist_mux package

Sensor Topics in Volta

  • Sensor Topic



    Command topic for keyboard commands. The topic is configured as input to the twist_mux package


    Odometry topic for odometry computed from the wheel encoders


    Odometry topic for odometry computed from fusion of wheel encoder and IMU data


    Filtered IMU data


    Raw scan data received from the Lidar


    Filtered scan data limiting the range as received from the Lidar


    Image rectified by intrinsic/ extrinsic parameters


    Camera’s intrinsic or extrinsic parameters


    RGB Point Cloud

Wiki: Robots/Volta/Topics (last edited 2021-06-28 12:14:56 by Botsync)