AGVS Tutorials

In this page there's a list of tutorial to start using the Agvs robot.

Launching gazebo model and controller

1. Launch Gazebo model

  • roslaunch agvs_gazebo agvs.launch

2. Launch Gazebo controller

  • roslaunch agvs_robot_control agvs_robot_control.launch

3. Launch pad to control the robot with a ps3 joystick

  • roslaunch agvs_pad agvs_pad.launch

Building a map of Willow Garage

1. Launch Gazebo model

  • roslaunch agvs_gazebo agvs_office.launch

AGVS Gazebo

2. Launch Gazebo controller

  • roslaunch agvs_robot_control agvs_robot_control.launch

3. Launch pad to control the robot with a ps3 joystick

  • roslaunch agvs_pad agvs_pad.launch

4. Launch gmapping to create the map

  • roslaunch agvs_complete agvs_gmapping.launch

5. Move around and create the map. You can use rviz to see how the map is being created.

6. Save the map

  • rosrun map_server map_saver -f name_map

AGVS Gmapping

Autonomous movement (Pure Pursuit)

It is possible to move the robot through a path by using the package purepursuit_planner. First of all, we'll need to load a map.

1. Loading a previous saved map of Willow Garage

  • roslaunch agvs_complete map_server.launch 

2. Launch amcl to have a pose estimation in the map

  • roslaunch agvs_complete amcl_diff_2.launch


3. Launch the planner to move the robot following the desired path

  • roslaunch purepursuit_planner purepursuit.launch

4. Launch an interactive marker to set the path in the map

  • roslaunch purepursuit_planner purepursuit_marker.launch 

AGVS Interactive Marker 1 AGVS Interactive Marker 2

VREP model

1. Install latest V-REP version (after 3_1_2 packages do also work in catkin).

2. Link and compile the vrep ros packages

  •  cd catkin_ws/src
     ln -sf /opt/V-REP_PRO_EDU_V3_1_2_64_Linux/programming/ros_packages/vrep_common/
     ln -sf /opt/V-REP_PRO_EDU_V3_1_2_64_Linux/programming/ros_packages/vrep_joy/
     ln -sf /opt/V-REP_PRO_EDU_V3_1_2_64_Linux/programming/ros_packages/vrep_plugin/

3. Start the roscore (before starting V-REP)

4. Start VREP

  •  cd /opt/vrep
     ./ &

5. Load the requested scene or import the robot model.

  • the scene (*.ttt) can be found under the agvs_description/vrep folder


6. Press play in V-REP to start simulation Note that in order to allow the agvs_robot_control node to perform an accurate estimation of the odometry, the RT mode in V-REP has to be selected. Otherwise the robot motion won't match the motion published in the joint_states.

7. Start robot pad (to move the robot manually)

  • roslaunch agvs_pad agvs_pad.launch

8. Start robot control

  • roslaunch agvs_robot_control agvs_robot_control.launch

Wiki: agvs/tutorials (last edited 2015-07-16 18:27:15 by IsaacSaito)