1.6.4 (forthcoming)

  • Add link flag needed for OSX

1.6.3 (2011-01-19)

  • Removed spurious reference to libroslib

1.6.2 (2012-01-10)

  • Changed ros::Time/Duration to ros::WallTime/WallDuration so Bond still works when time stops. Fixes #5035

  • bondcpp now explicitly links against the ros library. Fixes #5334

1.6.1 (2011-10-19)

  • OS X Lion Homebrew support from wjwwood.

1.6.0 (2011-08-08)

bond_core is now a separate stack instead of part of the common stack. This change was made in ROS Electric in order to minimize dependencies and downstream rebuilds, as well as decouple unrelated code.

  • Summary of changes since common 1.4:
    • Downloading smclib from code.ros.org
    • Fixed bug in Bond destruction in bondcpp
    • Separated out from common stack to minimize downstream rebuilds.

1.5.2 (2011-07-15)

  • Downloading smclib from code.ros.org

1.5.1 (2011-07-14)

  • Fixed bug in Bond destruction in bondcpp

1.5.0 (2011-06-27)

  • Separated out from common stack to minimize downstream rebuilds.

Wiki: bond_core/ChangeList (last edited 2012-02-04 23:59:42 by BrianGerkey)