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Running daily morning show
Description: This tutorial instructs you how to set the parameters and run daily morning show test.Tutorial Level: BEGINNER
Setting parameters
Before running the test, you first must define the components you wish to be tested. This is done in a yaml file: cob_hardware_test/cob_bringup_test/config/<robot>/daily_show_test.yaml
Here is an example where you can see how the file is structured:
base: goals: test_0: [0.1, 0.0, 0] test_1: [0.0, 0.1, 0] test_2: [-0.1, -0.1, 0] actuators: torso: name: "torso" default_target: "home" test_target: "front_down" arm_left: name: "arm_left" default_target: "home" test_target: "folded" sensors: laser_front: name: "laser_front" topic: /scan_front msg_type: LaserScan torso_cam3d_left_depth_points: name: "torso_cam3d_left_depth_points" topic: /torso_cam3d_left/depth_registered/points msg_type: PointCloud2
Note that that base goals are relative positions. You can define as many test-goals as you want. Goals will be ran in ascending order, always starting from goal_0.
Actuators are grouped under the “actuators” key. For each actuator you define name, test_target and default_target.
Sensors are grouped under the “sensors” key. For each sensor you define name, topic and msg_type.
Launching daily morning show
Following parameters must be passed while launching the test:
Here is an example how to launch the test in terminal:
$ roslaunch cob_bringup_test daily_morning_show.launch sim:=false result_dir:=/<test_result_directory>/
Test will be ended after after components are tested.
Result file is generated in the given directory. The file has five sections: Tested components, Test parameters and Test log.