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Running long-term test

Description: This tutorial instructs you how to set the parameters and run long-term test.

Tutorial Level: BEGINNER

Setting parameters

Before running the test, you first must define the components you wish to be tested. This is done in a yaml file: cob_hardware_test/cob_bringup_test/config/<robot>/all_components_test.yaml

Here is an example where you can see how the file is structured:

    test_0: [0,0,0]
    test_1: [1,0,0]
    test_n: [1,-1,0]
    max_duration: 0

    name: "torso"
    default_target: "home"
    test_target: "front_down"
    name: "arm_left" 
    default_target: "home" 
    test_target: "folded" 

    name: "laser_front"
    topic: /scan_front
    msg_type: LaserScan
    name: "torso_cam3d_left_depth_points"
    topic: /torso_cam3d_left/depth_registered/points
    msg_type: PointCloud2

For base you can define as many test-goals as you like. Max_duration parameter defines the maximum duration in minutes for a movement from one goal to another. Exceeding max_duration will count as a failure. Default value is 0 which stands for infinite (i.e. no limit).

Actuators are grouped under the “actuators” key. For each actuator you define name, test_target and default_target.

Sensors are grouped under the “sensors” key. For each sensor you define name, topic and msg_type.

Launching the test

Following parameters must be passed while launching the test:

  • sim


And at least one of the following two:

  • max_rounds


Here is an example how to launch the test in terminal:

$ roslaunch cob_bringup_test component_test_all.launch max_duration:=2 sim:=false result_dir:=/<test_result_directory>/

Test will be ended when max_duration or max_rounds is exceeded. If a component fails to move, all components will be recovered and movement is continued. If the component still fails to move after one recover, test will be terminated.


Result file is generated in the given directory. The file has five sections: Tested components, Test parameters, Test log, Diagnostics and Summary.

Wiki: cob_hardware_test/Tutorials/long_term_test (last edited 2014-09-30 13:14:43 by TopiasLiikanen)