1.2.3 (Forthcoming)

  • actionlib

    • Simple action client no longer calls the feedback callback after the goal finishes. Fixes <<Ticket(ros-pkg 4531)>>

    • Added a cancel goal button for axclient

1.2.2 (2011-01-04)

  • actionlib

    • Fix race condition in Python action server. <<Ticket(ros-pkg 4554)>>

  • nodelet_topic_tools

    • MUX simplified by using a 8-connected null filters
    • DeMUX has a specialization for message type (uses ros::Subscriber internally by default)
  • xacro: fixed inserting property blocks <<Ticket(ros-pkg 4561)>>

1.2.1 (2010-09-21)

  • actionlib

    • Fixing bug in SimpleActionServer where a goal that came in over the wire after one that had the same timestamp would be recalled.

    • Python action client wait_for_server no longer sleeps for 1 second, the number of publishers is checked instead.
    • Fixing bug in python action servers where status for each goal was published indefinitely.
    • Added axclient.py and axserver.py GUI tools for interacting with and faking actions
    • Fixing compile errors in C++ cancelGoalsAtAndBeforeTime. <<Ticket(ros-pkg 4377)>>

    • Fixing debug output typo in C++ SimpleActionClient sendGoalAndWait. <<Ticket(ros-pkg 4439)>>

1.2.0 (2010-07-23)

  • pluginlib now uses recommended syntax package/name to get rid of global namespace.

    • new macro PLUGINLIB_DECLARE_CLASS(package, name, class, base_class)
    • deprecated macro PLUGINLIB_REGISTER_CLASS(name, class, base_class)
  • New Package: nodelet API reviewed provides dynamic loading of multiple nodelets within the same process for high efficiency message passing.

    • there are a number of helper packages which are more experimental and unreviewed such as nodelet_tutorial_math and nodelet_topic_tools
  • xacro

    • Raises XacroExceptions instead of strings. <<Ticket(ros-pkg 4209)>>

  • bfl changed to tarball download

  • actionlib

    • Removed deprecated simple action client methods <<Ticket(ros-pkg 3701)>>

      • waitForActionServerToStart
      • waitForGoalToFinish
      • getGoalState
      • getTerminalState
    • waitForResult and waitForServer both no longer busy-wait
    • Python action server & client support namespace remapping to be consistent with C++ implementation <<Ticket(ros-pkg 3873)>>

  • filters

  • pluginlib

    • Added getName and isClassAvailable functions to the class loader to help with making early adopter code backwards compatible <<Ticket(ros-pkg 3937)>>

    • Added getRegisteredLibraries() method to get the list of libraries containing plugins. <<Ticket(ros-pkg 3346)>>

Wiki: common/ChangeList/1.2 (last edited 2011-01-21 21:33:33 by EitanMarderEppstein)