API review

Proposer: Stuart Glaser

Present at review:

  • List reviewers

This review is to approve actions and messages moved from the pr2_controllers_msgs package. The messages have been moved in order to provide an interface to trajectory and head control that is not PR2 specific.

The review covers three messages/actions: the JointTolerance message, the FollowJointTrajectory action, and the PointHeadAction action, all described below.

  • JointTolerance message

string name
float64 position
float64 velocity
float64 acceleration
  • FollowJointTrajectory action (was JointTrajectory action)

trajectory_msgs/JointTrajectory trajectory
duration goal_time_tolerance
JointTolerance[] path_tolerance
JointTolerance[] goal_tolerance

int32 error_code
int32 SUCCESSFUL = 0
int32 INVALID_GOAL = -1

Header header
string[] joint_names
trajectory_msgs/JointTrajectoryPoint desired
trajectory_msgs/JointTrajectoryPoint actual
trajectory_msgs/JointTrajectoryPoint error
  • PointHeadAction action

geometry_msgs/PointStamped target
geometry_msgs/Vector3 pointing_axis
string pointing_frame
duration min_duration
float64 max_velocity

Question / concerns / comments


  • Tolerances need more documentation: does a tolerance x mean [-x, x] or [-x/2, x/2] or something else?


  • JointTolerance message

    • what is expected behavior when tolerances are violated? What if this message is not filled out - what does 0 joint tolerance mean?
  • FollowJointTrajectory message

    • duration goal_time_tolerance - what does this parameter represent?
    • path and goal tolerance - what happens if some joint tolerances are not specified? What is the default tolerance for those joints? What if someone wants to specify position tolerances but not velocity or torque?
  • PointHeadAction action -

    • maybe rename the fields pointing_axis and pointing_frame to axis and frame (unless this will become a painful API change)
    • what does the min_duration parameter do?
    • what does the max_velocity parameter do?
    • what if these parameters are not filled out (i.e default to 0.0)?


  • Second the request for in message documentation - the one for tolerance is especially crucial
  • Do we have use cases for other kinds of trajectory tolerance. Or is this the only one?
  • Is there a sense of priority among tolerances? Is there a way to specify, for instance, that position has a very narrow tolerance but that the controller doesn't need to work very hard to achieve set velocities or accelerations?
  • Why the design choice to have a single set of priorities controlling the entire path and another one for the goal? I'm not sure how these interact.
  • If there's a goal time tolerance does it make sense to have a separate failure condition for that, or does that fall under GOAL_TOLERANCE_VIOLATED.
  • I'm ok with pointing_ in front of frame and axis, fwiw.

Meeting agenda

To be filled out by proposer based on comments gathered during API review period


Package status change mark change manifest)

  • /!\ Action items that need to be taken.

  • {X} Major issues that need to be resolved

Wiki: control_msgs/Reviews/2011_01_06_API_Review (last edited 2011-01-07 21:34:31 by EGilJones)