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Dynamixel workbench multi port with joint command
Description: This tutorial describes how to running multi portKeywords: robotis, dynamixel, position, multiport, pan, tilt
Tutorial Level: BEGINNER
IF YOU ALREADY CREATE my_dynamixel_workbench_tutorial PACKAGE, THEN YOU JUMP TO STEP 2.
Step 1: Create a package
$ cd ~/catkin_ws/src $ catkin_create_pkg my_dynamixel_workbench_tutorial std_msgs roscpp
Step 2: Prepare two Dynamixels
We need to prepare connected Dynamixels which are set same baudrate. In this tutorial shows connected three Dynamixels.
Step 3: Create a launch file for the multiport node
First we need a launch file in launch folder in my_dynamixel_workbench_tutorial package. This launch file connects to the dynamixel_workbench_controller package and sets device name and baudrate of a Dynamixel. We assume that the Dynamixel is connected to /dev/ttyUSB0 and baudrate 57600. If not, make sure you set your device name and baudrate correctly. NOTE: IN THIS TUTORIAL, WE USE XM430-W350, MX-28
1. Make a launch file in ros package which we created
$ cd my_dynamixel_workbench_tutorial $ mkdir launch $ cd launch $ gedit multi_port.launch
2. Type or copy&paste code below to connect dynamixel_workbench_controllers packages and set parameters
<launch> <arg name="pan_device_name" default="/dev/ttyUSB0"/> <arg name="pan_baud_rate" default="57600"/> <arg name="tilt_device_name" default="/dev/ttyUSB1"/> <arg name="tilt_baud_rate" default="57600"/> <arg name="scan_range" default="10"/> <arg name="profile_velocity" default="200"/> <arg name="profile_acceleration" default="50"/> <param name="pan/device_name" value="$(arg pan_device_name)"/> <param name="pan/baud_rate" value="$(arg pan_baud_rate)"/> <param name="tilt/device_name" value="$(arg tilt_device_name)"/> <param name="tilt/baud_rate" value="$(arg tilt_baud_rate)"/> <param name="scan_range" value="$(arg scan_range)"/> <param name="profile_velocity" value="$(arg profile_velocity)"/> <param name="profile_acceleration" value="$(arg profile_acceleration)"/> <node name="multi_port_example" pkg="dynamixel_workbench_controllers" type="multi_port" required="true" output="screen"/> </launch>
3. Before we operating this package, we need to access permission for USB device
$ sudo chmod a+rw /dev/ttyUSB0 $ sudo chmod a+rw /dev/ttyUSB1
4. Now we can run tutorial package:
$ cd ~/catkin_ws && catkin_make $ roslaunch my_dynamixel_workbench_tutorial multi_port.launch
If multi_controllers find linked Dynamixels, we could show state of it and command list and set torque on:
----------------------------------------------------------------------- dynamixel_workbench controller; multi port example ----------------------------------------------------------------------- MODEL : XM430-W350 ID : 1 MODEL : XM430-W350 ID : 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- MODEL : MX-28 ID : 1 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Step 4: Check state of Dynamixel
Now, we can check a state of linked Dynamixels through /dynamixel_state topic::
$ rostopic echo /dynamixel_state
For example:
dynamixel_state: - model_name: "XM430-W350" id: 1 torque_enable: 1 goal_current: 0 goal_velocity: 0 goal_position: 2050 present_current: 0 present_velocity: 0 present_position: 2049 moving: 0 - model_name: "XM430-W350" id: 2 torque_enable: 1 goal_current: 0 goal_velocity: 0 goal_position: 1765 present_current: 0 present_velocity: 0 present_position: 1765 moving: 0 - model_name: "MX-28" id: 1 torque_enable: 1 goal_current: 0 goal_velocity: 0 goal_position: 698 present_current: 0 present_velocity: 0 present_position: 698 moving: 0
Step 5: Run pan & tilt
We run the two linked Dynamixels using rosservice call or dynamixel_workbench_tutorials with different unit radian or raw value.
$ rosservice call /joint_command -- [unit] [id] [goal_position]
$ rosrun dynamixel_workbench_operators joint_operator [unit] [id] [goal_position]
$ rosservice call /joint_command -- rad 1 2.0
$ rosrun dynamixel_workbench_operators joint_operator raw 1 3000
The pan & tilt is running!! If you have a question about running multi_port, please make anew issue.