
  • src/benchmarks/exceptions.cpp : evaluates exception handling costs on your system.

  • src/benchmarks/files.cpp : tests the raw read/write speed of various file mechanisms.

  • src/benchmarks/flops.cpp : the classic flops test.

  • src/benchmarks/snooze.cpp : determines the latency of your absolute timer.

  • src/benchmarks/streams.cpp : compares various streaming mechanisms.

  • src/benchmarks/string_conversions.cpp : benchmarks various string converting utilities.


  • src/utils/hex.cpp : utility for testing serial devices with raw hex data.

  • src/utils/serial.cpp : a generic serial connection testing program.

  • src/utils/process.cpp : detects various process statistics.

Wiki: ecl_core_apps (last edited 2012-01-19 12:54:34 by DanielStonier)