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Package Summary

evarobot_controller controls speed of right and left wheels on Evarobot. It includes two basic pid controllers.



evarobot_controller is basic PID controller to drive the Evarobot with referance velocities. evarobot_controller takes reference and measured velocities and outputs calculated velocities which will be applied to the Evarobot.

Subscribed Topics

cmd_vel (geometry_msgs/Twist)
  • Reference velocities of linear and angular.
wheel_vel (geometry_msgs/PointStamped)
  • Measured velocities of left and right wheels.

Published Topics

cntr_wheel_vel (geometry_msgs/Twist)
  • Calculated velocities by PID controller.


~desiredTopic (string, default: cmd_vel)

  • Topic name of reference velocities.
~measuredTopic (string, default: wheel_vel)
  • Topic name of measured velocities.
~controllerTopic (string, default: cntr_wheel_vel)
  • Topic name of velocities which are outputs of PID controller.
~alwaysOn (bool, default: true)
  • if false, it doesn't publish data until a node subscribes.
~wheelSeparation (double, default: 0.32)
  • Distance between two wheels in meter.
~Frequency (double, default: 10.0)
  • Maximum frequency of node loop.
~integralConstLeft (double, default: 0.5)
  • Integral constant of left wheel controller.
~derivativeConstLeft (double, default: 0.05)
  • Derivative constant of left wheel controller.
~proportionalConstLeft (double, default: 0.3)
  • Proportional constant of left wheel controller.
~integralConstRight (double, default: 0.5)
  • Integral constant of right wheel controller.
~derivativeConstRight (double, default: 0.05)
  • Derivative constant of right wheel controller.
~proportionalConstRight (double, default: 0.3)
  • Proportional constant of right wheel controller.

Wiki: evarobot_controller (last edited 2017-11-06 12:21:09 by DidemOzupekTas)