Only released in EOL distros:  

motion_analysis_mocap: evart-client | evart_bridge

Package Summary

EVa Real-Time Software(tm) - EVaRT(tm) - provides a user with a simple and powerful interface to the Motion Analysis(tm) motion capture hardware. This package forwards data computed by the EvaRT software as a ROS topic.

motion_analysis_mocap: evart-client | evart_bridge

Package Summary

EVa Real-Time Software(tm) - EVaRT(tm) - provides a user with a simple and powerful interface to the Motion Analysis(tm) motion capture hardware. This package forwards data computed by the EvaRT software as a ROS topic.

motion_analysis_mocap: evart-client | evart_bridge

Package Summary

EVa Real-Time Software(tm) - EVaRT(tm) - provides a user with a simple and powerful interface to the Motion Analysis(tm) motion capture hardware. This package forwards data computed by the EvaRT software as a ROS topic.


evart_bridge wraps the EVaRT(tm) client into a ROS package. EVaRT(tm) client can be used to retrieve motion capture data from Cortex, a motion capture software from Motion Analysis.

This package is composed of one node called 'evart' which publishes transformation with respect to the motion capture world frame.


  • Add skeleton support


This package provides the real-time position of any object which is tracked by the Cortex software.

Cortex provides data on markers (3d points), segments (frames) and skeletons (articulated bodies). Currently, the package forwards only segments information.



Main node

Published Topics

/<ref_frame_id>/<object name>/<segment name> (geometry_msgs/TransformStamped)
  • Stamped object transformation w.r.t the motion capture world frame.


/evart/list_segments (evart_bridge/List)
  • Returns the list of the tracked bodies with their associated segments.
/evart/track_segments (evart_bridge/track_segments)
  • Enable tracking for a particular segment.


~hostname (std_msgs/String)
  • Hostname of the machine which is running Cortex and evart-stream.exe
~port (std_msgs/String)
  • Port used to communicate with evart-stream.exe
~enable_tf_broadcast (bool)
  • Should the node publish transformations to tf?
~tf_ref_frame_id (std_msgs/String)
  • Motion capture world frame name
~update_rate (double)
  • At which frequency should we run the node?

Provided tf Transforms

  • Tracked object position w.r.t. to the motion capture world frame. One transformation is provided for each tracked object. Only if enable_tf_broadcast is set to true.

Launch file example

Here is a launch file which starts the main node.

   1 <launch>
   2   <node pkg="evart_bridge" type="evart" name="evart"/>
   3 </launch>

Report a bug

Use GitHub to report a bug or submit an enhancement.

Wiki: evart_bridge/Electric (last edited 2011-12-25 20:18:13 by ThomasMoulard)