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lse_experiments: fctuc_open_day

Package Summary

Small demo for the FCTUC open day.

Demo Description

This package was created for the FCTUC open day demo. The demo consisted on 2 Roombas equipped with Hokuyo lasers wandering inside and around a small arena while taking chemical measurements of the environment.



The node that runs the actual demo.

Subscribed Topics

nose (lse_sensor_msgs/Nostril)
  • Chemical data from the LSE MOX nose.
battery (roomba_500_series/Battery)
  • Roomba battery data to check battery level and if the Roomba is docked.
poses (fctuc_open_day/Poses)
  • Array of goal poses.

Published Topics

cmd_vel (geometry_msgs/Twist)
  • Velocity commands to the Roomba.


Reads a file containing poses for the robot and publishes them for the demo node to run.

Published Topics

poses (fctuc_open_day/Poses)
  • Array of goal poses.

Wiki: fctuc_open_day (last edited 2010-11-30 15:52:27 by Gonçalo Cabrita)