fuerte/Planning/ROS Core/2011-10-19 Update


API review completed for rospack/rosstack/environment APIs. distro/manifest APIs not included in review. Changes recommended by API changes incorporated into new 0.9 version of rospkg.


standalone ros debian

rospkg and rosdep2 are inflight.


  • gerkey: rospack/rosstack rewrite:
  • straszheim: minimal cmake rules to make ros debian useful

ros_msgs, aka genmsg




kwc: Three new Python libraries based on Troy's rosidl work. I took the opportunity to rewrite some of the APIs to fix some long standing issues. The genmsg library is the shared message generation library; the genpy library contains the Python message generators; and gencpp contains the C++ message generators.


  • kwc/marthi: port genlisp for roslisp to the new Python package infrastructure
  • kwc: complete validation of new genmsg libraries
  • straszheim: reintegration with rosbuild2, create CMake infrastructure for releasing ROS message packages standalone
  • straszheim: remove deprecated methods from C++ generation so that data structures have minimal dependencies

rosdep, rosdep2

(tfoote, kwc)

Homebrew patches from wjwwood incorporated into ROS electric, will have to be redone for rosdep2/fuerte. Homebrew is keyed as a separate "osxbrew" OS so that the user can choose between macports and homebrew integration.

Landing of rosdep2 is blocking on creating new version of create.py as it depends on the old rosdep code library.


  • kwc/tfoote: land rosdep2 in unstable/fuerte
  • kwc: rewrite create.py

roslib deprecations

Deprecations added in many places in roslib. Many internal APIs were removed if they were deemed unused. More deprecations/removals are blocking on removing the old rosdep package, which has heavy API footprint in roslib.

Many roslib APIs were also relocated to the rosgraph package.


  • kwc: remove rosdep-only APIs from roslib
  • kwc: get rid of deprecation warnings in all ros* tools

fuerte/unstable tick-tock

Removed eigen, sound_drivers, simulator_stage, and assimp from unstable to cause early regression check. These stacks will not be present in fuerte.

Still need to remove tinyxml and yamlcpp packages.


(tfoote, rabaud, erublee)

Integration still ongoing. This update caused several infrastructure regressions:

  • pbuilder has a known bug with Oneiric-style layouts; we have a patch into use a more recent version
  • unknown issue with roslisp_support now having root permission issues during debbuild. This is blocking rolling out incremental debian updates.

Wiki: fuerte/Planning/ROS Core/2011-10-19 (last edited 2011-10-20 15:02:15 by BrianGerkey)