FORTERC_head is a ROS driver for the FORTE-RC platform, with the purpose to control its head. It deals with the control of both yaw (azimuth) and pitch (elevation) using a Micro Maestro 6-Channel USB Servo Controller. Yaw rotation is powered by HS-785HB servo, and pitch rotation is powered by DF 15RMG servo. FORTERC_head is a simple adaptation of the ros_pololu_servo.
Quick Start
Turn ON FORTE-RC and connect to its internal CPU (take a look here to know how to do so). Once FORTE-RC starts, simply run the script
To control the head simply publish a command to each joint you want to control:
rostopic pub /pololu/command ros_pololu_servo/MotorCommand "joint_name: ' ' position: 0.0 speed: 0.0 acceleration: 0.0"
For example, to control the head's yaw (azimuth) to 90º (1.57 rad) as it follows:
rostopic pub /pololu/command ros_pololu_servo/MotorCommand "joint_name: 'neck_yaw_joint' position: 1.57 speed: 0.005 acceleration: 0.005"
To understand rotations, please read the Micro Maestro 6-Channel USB Servo Controller documentation. It is noteworthy that the motors' angular motion is limited. While the yaw can easily move 360º on each direction, the pitch is limited between -10º and 10º.
It's suggested to use slow velocities and accelerations.