Only released in EOL distros:  

wpi_jaco: jaco_description | jaco_interaction | jaco_moveit_config | jaco_sdk | jaco_teleop | mico_description | mico_moveit_config | wpi_jaco_msgs | wpi_jaco_wrapper

Package Summary

3D Model and URDF of the Kinova JACO Arm


jaco_description contains urdf and xacro files for the JACO arm. It also includes a launch file for reading the robot model and setting up a joint_state_publisher and robot_state_publisher for visualization in tools such as rviz.


This package contains robot description files for the JACO arm, organized into subdirectories as follows:

  • urdf/ contains xacro representations of urdf descriptions of the arm and its parts, as well as a generated urdf file for the standalone arm.

  • robots/ contains urdf files for the arm as standalone robots.

  • meshes/ contains mesh files for visualization and collision properties


To install the wpi_jaco package, you can install from source with the following commands:

  •    1 cd /(your catkin workspace)/src
       2 git clone
       3 cd ..
       4 catkin_make
       5 catkin_make install


The jaco_description package includes a launch file that can be used to load the robot model and setup joint state and robot state publishing used to populate a tf tree and visualize the robot. Once launched, the JACO model can be visualized in tools such as rviz. It can be launched with the following command:

  • roslaunch jaco_description display.launch

The launch file also includes a parameter (gui) to launch a GUI which can control each joint to test the model's behavior, which can be launched as follows:

  • roslaunch jaco_description display.launch gui:=true

Wiki: jaco_description (last edited 2015-11-09 23:40:11 by davidkent)