Only released in EOL distros:  

wpi_jaco: jaco_description | jaco_interaction | jaco_moveit_config | jaco_sdk | jaco_teleop | mico_description | mico_moveit_config | wpi_jaco_msgs | wpi_jaco_wrapper

Package Summary

Interactive manipulation with the JACO Arm


The jaco_interaction package provides interactive marker-based control of the end effector pose and issuing of manipulation commands for the JACO and JACO2.



'jaco_interactive_manipulation' publishes interactive markers that can be used to control the end effector pose and issue manipulation commands.

Actions Called

jaco_arm/manipulation/gripper (rail_manipulation_msgs/GripperGoal)
  • Call open and close actions for the gripper.
jaco_arm/manipulation/lift (rail_manipulation_msgs/LiftGoal)
  • Call object lift action for the arm.

Subscribed Topics

jaco_arm/joint_states (sensor_msgs/JointState)
  • Updates for arm and finger joint states.

Published Topics

jaco_arm/cartesian_cmd (wpi_jaco_msgs/CartesianCommand)
  • Send Cartesian commands to the arm.

Services Called

jaco_arm/kinematics/fk (wpi_jaco_msgs/JacoFK)
  • Forward kinematics for the arm.
jaco_conversions/quaternion_to_euler (wpi_jaco_msgs/QuaternionToEuler)
  • Conversion from quaternion to Euler xyz rotation representations.


wpi_jaco/arm_name (string, default: jaco)
  • Name of the arm, either "jaco" or "jaco2"


To install the wpi_jaco package, you can install from source with the following commands:

  •    1 cd /(your catkin workspace)/src
       2 git clone
       3 cd ..
       4 catkin_make
       5 catkin_make install


The interactive markers can be launched using two launch files: im_backend.launch and im_frontend.launch. The im_backend.launch file launches all of the necessary ROS nodes to publish the interactive markers and send commands back to the arm, and as such it should be launched first on a computer connected directly to the JACO arm. The im_frontend.launch file launches rviz with a preset configuration to show the arm model and the interactive markers. This can be launched on any computer capable of displaying a GUI. The syntax for launching these nodes is as follows:

  • roslaunch jaco_interaction im_backend.launch
  • roslaunch jaco_interaction im_frontend.launch

Wiki: jaco_interaction (last edited 2015-11-09 23:46:11 by davidkent)