
This package holds a number of common configuration files for the move_base and amcl nodes meant to be run in an application that requires global navigation with a pre-specified static map. It also contains navigation specific sensor configurations. In particular, it holds parameter settings for the base_local_planner, costmap_2d, and move_base components of the move_base node that are shared between many different configurations of the navigation stack run on the Social Robot Maggie.

Building Blocks

  • launch/real/navigation_real.launch:

  • launch/simulation/navigation_simulation.launch:

  • launch/amcl.launch: holds a Maggie robot specific configuration of the amcl node. Designed to be included by applications that wish to run amcl on the Maggie robot. Assumes a map is available from an instance of the map_server node.

  • launch/move_base.launch: holds a Maggie robot specific configuration of the move_base node designed for navigation with a pre-specified static map. Should be run in conjunction with the amcl and map_server nodes.

  • launch/laser/hokuyo.launch: ensures that the hokuyo laser is in the proper configuration for autonomous navigation.

  • launch/laser/sick.launch: ensures that the sick laser is in the proper configuration for autonomous navigation, also brings up a number of filters that are applied to laser scans used while navigating.

Configuration Files

  • config/base_local_planner_params.yaml: holds parameters for the base_local_planner specific to global navigation on the Social Robot Maggie.

  • config/costmap_common_params.yaml:

  • config/global_costmap_params.yaml: holds parameters for the global costmap used in the move_base.launch configuration file. This is the costmap used by the navfn planner, and in this case, is initialized by a static map offered by an instance of the map_server node.

  • config/initial_pose.yaml:

  • config/local_costmap_params.yaml: holds parameters for the local costmap used in the move_base.launch configuration file. This is the costmap used by the base_local_planner planner, which operates in an odometric frame.

Wiki: maggie_navigation_config (last edited 2015-06-15 10:54:26 by raul.perula)