Getting Started with Simulation

Rethink Robotics provides an sdk with Moveit, where the baxter 3D model is designed and released to use with Moveit Ros Package.


Install catkin tools to use catkin build in catkin workspace

sudo apt-get install python-catkin-tools

If using Indigo simply follow these for simulation:

And to use moveit with it follow these

cd catkin_ws
./ sim 
roslaunch baxter_gazebo baxter_world.launch #to start simulator in gazebo
#new terminal everytime and ./ sim everytime
rosrun baxter_tools -e   #enable the robot
rosrun baxter_examples #wobble the arms
rosrun baxter_interface #start the action server
roslaunch baxter_moveit_config baxter_grippers.launch #start moveit with rviz

Youtube Tutorials


1.Baxter sdk which contains urdfs and description files

2. Clone Moveit robots packages into your workspace, it contains Urdf models of the robots. Also Inverse Kinematics solver for the robot.

cd catkin_ws/src
git clone
cd ..
catkin build

3.If you are using ROS kinetic or jade, you might have to check this link for dependencies of Moveit, as these were not included into kinetic while I am writing this tutorial mongo driver was not included

4. Bug with ros kinetic

roscd baxter_moveit_config
cd launch
gedit warehouse.launch

change the package to warehouse_ros_mongo to point that mongo properly

5. If you get error for not installing moveit core, then you should install move it.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-moveit


Working with real robot

1. Change your ip and robot name in ./

2. Enable the robot

rosrun baxter_tools -e

3. If you want to use moveit and run the robot from rviz

rosrun baxter_examples #wobble the arms
rosrun baxter_interface #start the action server
roslaunch baxter_moveit_config baxter_grippers.launch #start moveit with rviz

Motion Capture

1. Download vicon linux data stream sdk from vicon website

2. Extract and go to Linux_DataStreamSDK1_5/Linux64-boost-1.53.0/20020409_73878h/Release

3. Then Run ./ViconDataStreamSDK_CPPTest (ip of the desktop that running vicon software)

Note: you should run go live in the software to start the stream

Using Sdk with cpp video:

There is ros package called vicon_bridge built by Eth Zurich to publish as ros message

Edit the ip in the vicon.launch file Example:

roslaunch vicon_bridge vicon.launch 

Wiki: mallasrikanth/baxter (last edited 2017-01-28 03:46:42 by mallasrikanth)