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Teleoperation using Joystick
Description: This tutorial covers how to write a teleoperation node and use it to drive the groundbot using arduino.Keywords: teleoperation, joystick
Tutorial Level: BEGINNER
source : https://github.com/mallasrikanth/joystick_control
$ ls -l /dev/input
1 #! /usr/bin/env python
2 import rospy
3 from geometry_msgs.msg import Twist
4 from sensor_msgs.msg import Joy
6 # This ROS Node converts Joystick inputs from the joy node
7 # into commands for turtlesim or any other robot
9 # Receives joystick messages (subscribed to Joy topic)
10 # then converts the joysick inputs into Twist commands
11 # axis 1 aka left stick vertical controls linear speed
12 # axis 0 aka left stick horizonal controls angular speed
13 def callback(data):
14 twist = Twist()
15 twist.linear.x = 4*data.axes[7]
16 twist.angular.z = 4*data.axes[6]
17 pub.publish(twist)
19 # Intializes everything
20 def start():
21 # publishing to "turtle1/cmd_vel" to control turtle1
22 global pub
23 pub = rospy.Publisher('turtle1/cmd_vel', Twist)
24 # subscribed to joystick inputs on topic "joy"
25 rospy.Subscriber("joy", Joy, callback)
26 # starts the node
27 rospy.init_node('Joy2Turtle')
28 rospy.spin()
30 if __name__ == '__main__':
31 start()