Package proposal for mech_turk_ros.


The mech_turk_ros package will include tools for real-time robot communication with the annotation server. These will allow the robot to stream images for annotation, listen to the annotation messages in real-time and use "annotate" action to request the image annotation. Additional tools will allow to stream existing annotations as ROS messages. As a temporary measure, the package will contain a link topic tool that will register annotation publisher from the web server in the local master.


The package will contain:

  • ROS message definitions for the bounding box and polygon annotations (in mech_turk_ros_msgs)
  • - a node to send all images from a topic to the annotation server
  • - a tool to register remote publisher in a local master
  • - a tool to download results from the server and publish them as messages
  • - the action server for image annotation.

Wiki: mech_turk_ros/Proposal (last edited 2010-02-11 19:05:36 by AlexSorokin)