Describe navigation/Roadmap/Brainstorm here.


* Topological planning on global level * 3D lattice planning on room level * plugin vs ROS node model?

  • swapping things out on the fly in the move_base node
  • plugin model doesn't require a lot of change

* do we nedd to maintain both costmaps * how does the topological map get updated over time?

  • this becomes a huge deal when we move away from global planning with something like navfn

* perhaps plan on room-level in the odometric frame * exploration? should we move into this * improving perception... integrating stereo, improving filtering * need some sort of interface for people to give goals if we move to the topological planner * some new trajetory follower to work with the dynamic planner * some generic architecture for a series of windows in which an arbitrary number of planners can operate

  • slot different planners in
  • goal pose comes in
  • trajectory comes out
  • plugin model for this?
  • some way to decide which planners are getting cycles
    • does each planner operate on its own thread?
    • should we have a scheduler built in somehow

Short Term Goals (a few months)

  • Working on lattice planning and a new trajectory rollout that will allow the robot to follow the paths from the planner closely.
    • Improve navigation in narrow passages and doorways
    • Improve navigation in cluttered environments
  • Fix perception issues with 3D sensors
  • Integrate topological map into the navigation stack

Medium Term Goals (some research)

  • Some sort of planning for dynamic obstacles
    • Need to be able to scrub the person out of the costmap
    • Some sort of costmap that handles dynamic obstacles differently than static ones and tracks them
    • A trajectory follower that takes dynamic obstacles into account
  • Exploration and updating the map over long periods of time (SLAM online)

Long Term

  • Extensibility and refactoring for arbitrary numbers and types of planners

Wiki: navigation/Roadmap/Brainstorm (last edited 2009-10-26 21:26:55 by EitanMarderEppstein)