Only released in EOL distros:
Package Summary
ReleasedNo API documentationThe phoxi_camera package
- Maintainer status: developed
- Maintainer: Filip Sladek <filipsladek AT gmail DOT com>, Matej Sladek <matejsladek10 AT gmail DOT com>
- Author: Filip Sladek <filipsladek AT gmail DOT com>, Matej Sladek <matejsladek10 AT gmail DOT com>
- License: BSD
Package Summary
ReleasedNo API documentationThe phoxi_camera package
- Maintainer status: developed
- Maintainer: filip <filip AT todo DOT todo>
- Author:
- License: TODO
The phoxi_camera driver provides a ROS interface for PhoXi devices.
Get the package from github and put it in your catkin workspace src folder:
$ cd ~/catkin_ws/src $ git clone
ROS Node
Published Topics
The node can publish the received data through different topics:
/phoxi_camera/pointcloud (sensor_msgs/PointCloud2)
- Point cloud
- Confidence map
- Normal map
- Texture
The following parameters are supported:
~vertical_resolution (int)
- Desired vertical resolution of the camera image: [full resolution (1), half resolution (2)]
- Desired horizontal resolution of the camera image: [full resolution (1), half resolution (2)]
- Defines the number of scans that will be taken and merged to single output.
- Multiplication of the Basic scanner shutter time.
- Defines the trigger mode of the device. Currently, only Freerun and Software Trigger are supported [Freerun (0), Software (1)]
- PhoXiTimeout is used in all calls when Timeout have sense calls Like GetFrame takes Timeout as optional parameters to wait for the frame [ZeroTimeout (-0), Infinity (1), LastStored (-2), Default (-3)]
- Confidence
- If enabled, an point cloud will be captured and published from the camera
- If enabled, an normal map will be captured and published from the camera
- If enabled, an texture will be captured and published from the camera
- If enabled, an confidence map will be captured and published from the camera
The point cloud published by the phoxi_camera node can be viewed with rviz.
roslaunch phoxi_camera phoxi_camera.launch