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Package Summary

The pm_mcc package A polygon matcher based on the Multi-scale Convexity Concavity (MCC) representation. Based on article Adamek, T. and O'Connor, N.E., A multiscale representation method for nonrigid shapes with a single closed contour, in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 2004.

The pm_mcc package provides an implementation for polygon matching for the Large Maps Framework (LaMa). The implementation is based on the Multi-scale Convexity Concavity Method: Adamek, T. and O'Connor, N.E., "A multiscale representation method for nonrigid shapes with a single closed contour", IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 2004.


The pm_mcc package provides an implementation for polygon matching for the Large Maps Framework (LaMa). The implementation is based on the Multi-scale Convexity Concavity Method: Adamek, T. and O'Connor, N.E., "A multiscale representation method for nonrigid shapes with a single closed contour", IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 2004.


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~<name>/compute_dissimilarity (polygon_matcher/PolygonDissimilarity)
  • Compute the dissimilarity between two polygons

Wiki: pm_mcc (last edited 2014-12-19 07:47:07 by GaelEcorchard)