This package contains two collision avoiding teleops. One teleop that should be used with the controller in the reactive_trajectory_controller and another one that implements the collison avoidance routines on it's own.
Both teleops are highly experimental! They do not guarantee 100% safety, but almost 100%
To run the teleops you need a PS3 joystick. Information about using PS3 joysticks in ROS can be found here,
Running the standalone teleop
To run the standalone teleop you first have to run the collision environment if you do not have any running.
roslaunch pr2_arm_teleop_skin teleop_environment.launch
Now you are ready to launch the standalone teleop:
roslaunch pr2_arm_teleop_skin teleop_standalone.launch
To drive the robot around you have to press the deadman button which is button 1 on the left side. To move the arms around you have to press button 1 on the left side and button 1 on the right side at the same time. If you want to change the orientation of the gripper you have to press button 1 on the left side and button 1 and 2 on the right side.
Running the teleop with the reactive trajectory controller
The other teleop does not have any collision avoidance routines they are located in the reactive_tracjetory_controller. You first have to launch this controller, see documentation in reactive_trajectory_controller.
Then you can run teleop with
roslaunch pr2_arm_teleop_skin teleop.launch
The usage is the same as with the standalone teleop.
Add obstacles with the proximity sensor
After you started your teleop you have a running environment server either which teleop you ran. So you can use the proximity sensor to add obstacles to that environment server.
roslaunch proximity_sensor_add_obstacles add_obstacles.launch
However, you do not need to use the proximity sensor to build your collision map, you can use whatever sensor (or sensors) you want.