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PR2 Opens a Door

Description: Simulated environment for testing autonomous door opening in simulation.

Tutorial Level: INTERMEDIATE



This tutorial uses the door opening code from the pr2_doors stack. You will need to install the 'pr2all' variant of ROS (see installation instructions). On Ubuntu, this means:

sudo apt-get install ros-diamondback-wg-robots-gazebo


First, source ros environments setup script,

source /opt/ros/diamondback/setup.bash

Next, export environment variable

export ROBOT=sim

This sets the launch scripts to use sim.machine in pr2_machine.

Next, start the door opening simulation:

roslaunch pr2_doors_gazebo_demo pr2_doors_demo.launch

This brings up the simulated world with the PR2 robot in front of a door.

To trigger the door opening action and tell the executive to start opening the door:

rosrun pr2_doors_executive trigger_opendoor.py

Wiki: pr2_simulator/Tutorials/PR2OpenDoor/diamondback (last edited 2011-08-18 19:18:17 by hsu)