Quadrotor Handler

Quadrotor in V-REP

The quadrotor handler has mainly two functions:

  • Publish the state of the robot :
    • Quadrotor pose w.r.t. the world frame (linear position and angular position) as a PoseStamped Message

    • Quadrotor twist w.r.t the world frame (linear and angular velocity) as a TwistStamped Message

  • Receive commands from ROS and apply them to the quadrotor:
    • We consider the first four fields of the effort vector from the message JointState. The first three values will be the torques to apply in x,y and z (of the body frame) and the last one the thrust.

Wiki: quadrotor_handler (last edited 2014-04-09 12:15:01 by FabienSpindler)