Note: This tutorial assumes that you have completed the previous tutorials: rc_visard/Tutorials/FirstSteps. |
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Create octomap using rc_visard's onboard SLAM (Docker)
Description: This tutorial shows how to create an OctoMap using the pointclouds, SLAM trajectory of the rc_visard and dockerKeywords: rc_visard, octomap, slam
Tutorial Level: BEGINNER
Next Tutorial: rc_visard/Tutorials/Navigation with TurtleBot (Docker)
This tutorial shows how to create an OctoMap using the pointclouds and the SLAM trajectory of the rc_visard - as demonstrated in the first half of the following "fruitful" video:
(If the video doesn't show up, click here)
To create a 3D voxel representation of the environment we explore the environment with the rc_visard while recording the pointclouds. The optional onboard SLAM module on the rc_visard is running during recording, so we can get the optimized trajectory afterwards. We then use this trajectory together with the recorded pointclouds to replay the bag file for generating an octomap.
The reason for not building the octomap "online" is that we can achieve a better quality/consisteny in the octomap if we build it afterwards when we already have the optimized trajectory (after loop closures). One could also build the octomap incrementally/online while exploring the environment, but then points/voxels only observed once will be at the initially observed position and won't benefit from the loop closures of the onboard SLAM.
To collect the data, one possibility is to mount the rc_visard on a TurtleBot and drive it around using Teleop.
While this is fun to do, it is not necessary to have a turtlebot for creating the map and you could also just carry around the rc_visard by hand or mount it on any other platform.
The Dockerfile is inside the tutorial repository.
Download the Tutorial repository and change into its directory:
$ git clone && cd rc_visard_turtlebot_tutorial
To build the Dockerimage execute inside the tutorial directory:
$ sudo docker build -t turtlebot_image .
If your user is member of the docker group, the prefixed sudo is not necessary. This tutorial assumes that your user is a member of this group.
To execute ros-commands inside the container use the scripts found in the docker directory inside the tutorial directory.
Setup with ssh
This is not necessary but convenient to monitor and start your process on the Turtlebot. We use screen as a terminal multiplexer so that we don't need to establish a new SSH-connection for each new bash-screen. Each new screen is also in the working directory from which you started the screen session. Make sure to have added the source of ROS to your bashrc before starting your screen session:
$ echo "source /opt/ros/$ROS_DISTRO/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc
Setup of the Turtlebot
You can skip this part if you are not using the Turtlebot.
Install the kobuki-ftdi package:
$ sudo apt install ros-$ROS_DISTRO-kobuki-ftdi
Source ROS:
$ source /opt/ros/$ROS_DISTRO/setup.bash
After sourcing your ROS set up the Turtlebot with a udev rule. If this is not set, the Turtlebot won't be connected at /dev/kobuki. Instead it will have a random name. (Remember to have a(remember to have a roscore running when you are trying to use rosrun) roscore running when you are trying to use rosrun): Now stop the roscore with CTRL-C. You need to reattach the USB-connection to update /dev. To start the Turtlebot: This will print out an error message around every 20 seconds but this message can be ignored. For teleoperation with the keyboard use this: If you are also using teleoperation with a ps3-controller, launch it with: To move around keep the
To start the rc_visard_driver you need its serial number. You can find the serial number using rcdiscover: Make sure you configure the rc_visard appropriately for the application. You can use dynamic_reconfigure for this, see also rc_visard_driver for parameters. For instance, settings for the Depth Image to consider are: depth_maxdepth: Maximum depth. Don't set it too low, as the free information is valuable depth_maxdeptherr: Maximum depth error. Don't set it too low, for the same reason, but also not too high, to avoid inaccuracies. For indoors 0.2-0.5 is good. depth_minconf: Minimum confidence. Might be worth to increase, if you have problems with artifacts. It's also a good idea to start RViz so you can see what the rc_visard is seeing. If you are using a SSH-connection use your hostmachine. To connect your hostmachine to the ROS-network on the Turtlebot use this: For more information about ROS-variables see this. Start rviz with the configuration-file provided by this tutorial. If you have it installed on the machine, where you are using rviz: If you have not installed the tutorial there:
In this part we will create and store bagfiles for our map in a map directory: Now move the rc_visard around and explore the environment. Make sure that you are not mapping moving objects like colleagues since they would be shown as obstacles in the octomap. When you are done, stop the rosbag record with
Use the Stop the SLAM module on rc_visard and store the internal SLAM map. Stop the rc_visard_driver and the turtlebot now. To do this change into the windows, in which you started the turtlebot, the teleoperation, and the rc_visard_driver and terminate all of these with CTRL-C.
Start the octomap_server with the launch file provided in the tutorial repository Playback the bagfile: Since you are playing back tf data, make sure no other transformations are sent out on /tf, e.g., from the rc_visard or the turtlebot drivers You can adapt the playback rate depending on your CPU (if the octomap_server_node uses far less than 100% of one cpu core, you may increase the rate for faster processing, if it is close to 100% reduce it to make sure all point clouds are processed). Finally save the octomap when the octomap is done: Before starting the next tutorial go to the window, where you started the octomap_mapping.launch, and shut it down with CTRL-C.
$ roscore &
$ rosrun kobuki_ftdi create_udev_rules
$ fg
$ ./docker/
$ ./docker/
$ ./docker/
Start rc_visard_driver with trajectory publishing
$ rcdiscover
$ ./docker/start_rc_visard <serial_number_of_your_device>
$ export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://<ip_address_of_your_turtlebot>:11311
$ rviz -d $(rospack find rc_visard_turtlebot_tutorial)/cfg/map_generation.rviz
$ rviz -d <path/to/rc_visard_turtlebot_tutorial/cfg/map_generation.rviz>
Record bagfile with pointclouds
$ mkdir map
$ ./docker/ "rosbag record --lz4 -O /map/clouds.bag /stereo/points2 __name:=tutorial_bag"
$ rosnode kill /tutorial_bag
Get trajectory from rc_visard and store onboard SLAM map
$ ./docker/ "rosrun rc_visard_turtlebot_tutorial /map/clouds.bag map/clouds_with_tf.bag"
$ rosservice call /rc_visard_driver/dynamics_stop
$ rosservice call /rc_visard_driver/slam_save_map
Generate octomap
$ ./docker/ "roslaunch rc_visard_turtlebot_tutorial octomap_mapping.launch"
$ ./docker/ "rosbag play -r 1 /map/clouds_with_tf.bag"
$ ./docker/ "rosrun octomap_server octomap_saver -f /map/mapfile.ot"
What Next?