Basic Tutorials
- Viewing data from the rc_visard in Rviz
This tutorial shows how to connect to the rc_visard and view data in RViz.
- Hand-eye calibration
This tutorial describes how the rc_visard's on-board hand-eye calibration routine can be used to calibrate its position with respect to a robot manipulator.
ItemPick and BoxPick Tutorials
- Setting up the ItemPick and BoxPick modules
This tutorial describes how to set up a scene to use the ItemPick and BoxPick modules with ROS.
- Computing grasps with ItemPick and BoxPick
This tutorial shows how to use the compute grasps rosservice call of the ItemPick and BoxPick modules.
TagDetect Tutorials
- Detection of AprilTags and QR codes
This tutorial shows how to use the TagDetect module of the rc_visard to detect AprilTags and QR codes.
Additional Tutorials
- Create octomap using rc_visard's onboard SLAM
This tutorial shows how to create an OctoMap using the pointclouds and SLAM trajectory of the rc_visard
- Navigation with TurtleBot
This tutorial describes how to use the rc_visard for navigation with the TurtleBot
- Pick Module - MoveIt tutorial
This tutorial shows how to integrate the MoveIt package together with our ItemPick and BoxPick modules and their respective ROS clients.
Additional Tutorials (Docker)
- Create octomap using rc_visard's onboard SLAM (Docker)
This tutorial shows how to create an OctoMap using the pointclouds, SLAM trajectory of the rc_visard and docker
- Navigation with TurtleBot (Docker)
This tutorial describes how to use the rc_visard for navigation with the TurtleBot
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