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Gateway Graph

Description: Visually monitoring a gateway network

Keywords: rocon, multimaster, gateway

Tutorial Level: BEGINNER


Sometimes it's convenient to get a graphical view of what is going on, particular once your gateway network gets complicated. The gateway graph is an rqt plugin in the same style as the original rxgraph tool that illustrates the connections and interfaces between gateways.


Can't see much without a running gateway network, so let's fire one up with three running gateways and flip/pull a few topics between them.

In four separate shells, launch the hub, a gateway system with tutorials running, and two empty gateway systems.

> roslaunch --port=11311 rocon_gateway_tutorials pirate_hub.launch

> roslaunch --port=11312 rocon_gateway_tutorials pirate_gateway_tutorials.launch

> roslaunch --port=11313 rocon_gateway_tutorials pirate_gateway.launch

> roslaunch --port=11314 rocon_gateway_tutorials pirate_gateway.launch

On the first gateway:

# flip the tutorials out
> export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://localhost:11312
> rosrun rocon_gateway_tutorials
# Advertise /chatter publisher
> rosrun rocon_gateway_tutorials --pubonly 
# Advertise /chatter subscriber
> rosrun rocon_gateway_tutorials --subonly

On the second gateway:

# Pull the chatter publisher
> export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://localhost:11313
> rosrun rocon_gateway_tutorials --pubonly

On the third gateway:

# Pull the chatter subscriber
> export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://localhost:11314
> rosrun rocon_gateway_tutorials --subonly

Rqt Gateway Graph

Launch the gateway graph monitoring gui. You can launch from any ros system to get a view from the perspective of the system, here we'll launch from the first gateway:

> export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://localhost:11312
> rosrun rqt_gui rqt_gui -s "Gateway Graph"
# OR for rocon_rqt_plugins > 0.2.0, you can directly call
> rqt_gateway_graph


From the perspective of the first gateway, the gateway view:


Advertisements and pulled connections:

Advertisements/Pulled Connections

Flipped connections:

Flipped Connections

Wiki: rocon_gateway_graph/Tutorials/groovy/Gateway Graph (last edited 2013-04-22 02:26:58 by DanielStonier)