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Description: Installing the rocon_tools environment.Keywords: rocon installation
Tutorial Level: BEGINNER
This tutorial guides you through the installation of the rocon_tools stack and its dependencies only. It does not include everything for a full rocon installation, but that can also be used.
Debs Installation
Coming soon - these instructions will be valid once indigo debs are officially released. |
Follow the generic ubuntu instructions for a ros-indigo-desktop-full installation. Then add the rocon tools stack. If you wish to run the remocons with rocon interactions, include that as well
> sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-rocon-tools ros-indigo-rocon-remocon
> . /opt/ros/indigo/setup.bash > roslaunch rocon_interactions loading_demo.launch --screen
Hydro-Devel Sources
These will be phased out once we have fully transitioned to indigo. |
These use the hydro-devel branches on github. It builds a source workspace with the rocon_msgs and rocon_tools stacks. It also includes the rocon_qt_gui stack with it's dependencies so that you can test and run the rocon_remocon with the rocon interactions package.
# A few useful workspace tools > sudo apt-get install ros-hydro-catkin ros-hydro-rosbash > mkdir ~/rocon_tools > cd ~/rocon_tools > wstool init -j4 src https://raw.github.com/robotics-in-concert/rocon_tools/hydro-devel/rocon_tools.rosinstall > rosdep install --from-paths src /opt/ros/hydro --ignore-src --rosdistro hydro -y > . /opt/ros/hydro/setup.bash > catkin_make
The following tutorial program will in general validate most things related to a working rocon tools environment.
> source ~/rocon/devel/setup.bash > roslaunch rocon_interactions loading_demo.launch --screen
Indigo Sources
Things are working more or less here, more often less (esp. wrt. to python3 - don't try on Trusty!) and it contains quite a few more sources for unreleased repos. |
These use the indigo branches on github. It builds a source workspace with the rocon_msgs and rocon_tools stacks. It also includes the rocon_qt_gui stack with it's dependencies so that you can test and run the rocon_remocon with the rocon interactions package.
# A few useful workspace tools > sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-catkin ros-indigo-rosbash > mkdir ~/rocon_tools > cd ~/rocon_tools > wstool init -j4 src https://raw.github.com/robotics-in-concert/rocon_tools/indigo/rocon_tools.rosinstall > rosdep install --from-paths src /opt/ros/indigo --ignore-src --rosdistro indigo -y > . /opt/ros/indigo/setup.bash > catkin_make
The following tutorial program will in general validate most things related to a working rocon tools environment.
> source ~/rocon/devel/setup.bash > roslaunch rocon_interactions loading_demo.launch --screen