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The parameters object lets you read and write values to the Parameter Server. This object follows the general ROSH convention for converting ROS names, i.e. to access the parameters /foo/bar/gains, you would use:


You can also use mapping-style lookups on parameters, which is useful if you are dealing with string names:

  • parameters['/foo/bar'].gains

Retrieving a parameter value

To retrieve a parameter value, simply do a method call on the parameter you want, e.g.:

In [3]: parameters.run_id()
Out[3]: '7ab647bc-c29f-11df-aef2-003048fb8348'

Setting a parameter value

You can set values on the Parameter Server simply by using normal Python assignment, e.g.:

In [4]: = 1

In [5]:
Out[5]: 1

You can also use Python dictionaries to assign create namespaces, e.g.:

In [6]: = dict(child1=1, child2=2)

In [7]:
Out[7]: Boxed[{'child1': 1, 'child2': 2}]

Loading rosparam data


  • The rosparam() function loads a rosparam YAML file from disk, e.g.

    In [1]: roscd rosparam
    In [2]: rosparam('example.yaml')
    {'dict1': {'head': 1, 'knees': 3, 'shoulders': 2, 'toes': 4},
     'float1': 3.1415899999999999,
     'float2': 1234.5,
     'integer1': 1,
     'integer2': 2,
     'list1': ['head', 'shoulders', 'knees', 'toes'],
     'list2': [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8],
     'preformattedtext': 'This is the first line\nThis is the second line\nLine breaks are preserved\nIndentation is stripped\n',
     'robots': {'child': {'grandchildparam': 'a grandchild namespace param'},
                'childparam': 'a child namespace parameter'},
     'string1': 'bar',
     'string2': '10'}


  • Parse rosparam/YAML string, e.g.:
    In [1]: data = 'string1: bar\nstring2: !!str 10\npreformattedtext: |\n  This is the first line\n  This is the second line\n  Line breaks are preserved\n  Indentation is stripped\nlist1:\n - head\n - shoulders\n - knees\n - toes\nlist2: [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8]\ndict1: { head: 1, shoulders: 2, knees: 3, toes: 4}\ninteger1: 1\ninteger2: 2\nfloat1: 3.14159\nfloat2: 1.2345e+3\nrobots:\n  childparam: a child namespace parameter\n  child:\n     grandchildparam: a grandchild namespace param\n'
    In [2]: rosparam_str(data)
    [({'dict1': {'head': 1, 'knees': 3, 'shoulders': 2, 'toes': 4},
       'float1': 3.1415899999999999,
       'float2': 1234.5,
       'integer1': 1,
       'integer2': 2,
       'list1': ['head', 'shoulders', 'knees', 'toes'],
       'list2': [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8],
       'preformattedtext': 'This is the first line\nThis is the second line\nLine breaks are preserved\nIndentation is stripped\n',
       'robots': {'child': {'grandchildparam': 'a grandchild namespace param'},
                  'childparam': 'a child namespace parameter'},
       'string1': 'bar',
       'string2': '10'},

Wiki: rosh/Overview/Parameters (last edited 2010-10-22 17:35:46 by KenConley)