Hardware Error

Joints not moving


  • Try moving another joint/finger. Is it just this joint, or every joint?
  • The joint might be stuck due to friction. Try giving joint a small push in each direction.
  • Tendon on hand to joint may be broken. Try giving joint a small push in each direction.
  • Check diagnostics for any errors. Any errors on one motor will halt entire hand.
  • Check Commanded Effort value in diagnostics for non-moving joint. The joint will not move if the commanded effort is 0.

Joint does not move under its own power

Description The joint gets stuck, but will move if a give it a small push. This is primarily due to friction but other factors may be contributing to situation.


  • Look at Scaled effort in diagnostics for joint. The magnitude of value this value should be larger than 0.3 for the joint to move in most cases. If the value is not larger than 0.3, try increasing controller gains.

  • Look at Slow effort limit and Quick effort limit. These values limit effort to motor to prevent overheating. If the values are less than Scaled effort, then they are limiting effort to joint.

Diagnostics Errors

Error: Motor over temperature


  • Wait for motors to cool, then reset motors, either using dashboard or using:
     rosrun pr2_etherCAT reset_motors.py

If motors overheat often

If motors do not cool down or overheat more than once a minute, there may be a hardware problem. Please use rosbag record to record mtrace data for ticket. srh_mtrace/Tutorials/PlotingTrace

Error: Status inputs stopped updating


  • File ticket, please include information on what you were doing at the time this error occurred.
  • Cycle power.

Error : Input data stopped updating


  • File ticket, please include information on what you were doing at the time this error occurred.
  • Cycle power.

Wiki: srh_ethercat_hardware/Troubleshooting (last edited 2010-08-25 06:32:47 by dking)